Hyperledger Indy: The Decentralized Identity Platform Explained

Blockchain 10 min read | May 22, 2023


Hyperledger Indy is a decentralized identity platform and open source framework that enables individuals, businesses, and organizations to create secure digital identities. It uses blockchain technology to store information securely, while also providing the necessary tools for users to protect their private data. With Hyperledger Indy, users can control how they share personal data with others, as well as authenticate who they are dealing with online or in person. This makes it possible for them to prove their identity without ever having to reveal sensitive information. Additionally, Hyperledger Indy provides an infrastructure of interoperable services that make use of distributed ledgers and other technologies related to user authentication such as Verifiable Credentials and Digital Verification protocols. Through these components, organizations can build applications that provide improved security when managing digital identities across multiple platforms or devices.

Key Components of Hyperledger Indy

The key components of Hyperledger Indy provide the foundation for creating a secure digital identity. The Identity Infrastructure provides an architecture that is based on distributed ledgers and other technologies to securely store, manage, and use digital identities. This includes the ability to create and issue verifiable credentials for users’ online interactions such as signing documents or verifying their identity.

Identity Services allow organizations to easily register new users, link existing data to a secure blockchain-based identity system, and manage access privileges all in one place. These services also include tools for encrypting private data stored on user profiles and providing access control settings so only authorized personnel can view sensitive information.

The Identity Resolutions component enables organizations to resolve disputes related to digital identities by allowing them to compare different versions of personal information from various sources in order to determine which version is correct. This helps ensure that each individual’s true profile is verified without any discrepancies or false claims.

Verifiable Credentials are issued by trusted entities such as governments or corporations in order confirm the validity of certain attributes associated with a person’s digital identity like age or qualifications held. Through these credentials users can prove they possess particular skillsets while still protecting their privacy through cryptographic techniques used within Hyperledger Indy’s framework..

Finally, Digital Verification protocols enable companies using Hyperledger Indy technology verify user authenticity without having access over sensitive personal information like passwords or biometrics scans stored elsewhere off-chain systems linked with their decentralized networks

Identity Infrastructure

The Identity Ledger is the backbone of Hyperledger Indy’s identity infrastructure. It is a distributed ledger that stores identities and their associated data, such as personal information, credentials and verifiable proofs. The ledger enables users to securely store and manage digital identities with complete control over who can access their data. This ensures that only authorized personnel are able to view sensitive information while protecting user privacy by keeping confidential details secure from unauthorized parties

The Identity Data Store provides an easy way for organizations to register new users, link existing profiles with the decentralized platform and manage access privileges all in one place. Through this component developers can build applications which allow individuals or businesses to create self-sovereign digital identities without having to share any private information with other entities involved in the process.

Identity Agents are used when verifying user authenticity during online transactions or interactions between two separate networks linked through Hyperledger Indy’s framework. These agents act as intermediaries between different systems so they can communicate without revealing sensitive data like passwords or biometric scans stored on off-chain systems elsewhere.

Identity Handlers are responsible for managing the flow of identity related data within Hyperledger Indy’s network of connected devices and services. They enable seamless authentication processes across multiple platforms while also providing users with complete control over how much personal information is shared with third parties during these exchanges

Identity Services

Identity Regularization Services are provided by Hyperledger Indy in order to ensure that user identities are up-to-date, accurate and consistent across multiple platforms. These services use distributed ledger technology to securely store and manage digital identities with complete control over who can access their data. This helps to prevent any discrepancies or false claims when verifying individuals online as well as providing users with the ability to easily update personal information if necessary.

Identity Assurance Services provide organizations using Hyperledger Indy a way of managing risk associated with identity authentication processes by allowing them to compare different versions of personal information from various sources in order to determine which version is correct. This helps protect against fraud and other malicious activity while also ensuring users have full control over how much sensitive data they share during these exchanges.

Identity Verification Services enable companies using Hyperledger Indy’s framework verify the authenticity of user profiles without having access over private details like passwords or biometrics scans stored elsewhere off-chain systems linked with their decentralized networks. These services make use of cryptographic techniques used within the platform’s infrastructure which allow for secure yet verifiable transactions between parties involved in an exchange.

Identity Attestation Services utilize digital certificates issued by trusted entities such as governments or corporations in order confirm the validity of certain attributes associated with a person’s digital identity like age or qualifications held. Through these credentials users can prove they possess particular skillsets without revealing any confidential information about themselves publicly for anyone else on the web to see .

Finally, Identity Authentication Services enable developers build applications which facilitate improved security when managing digital identities across multiple devices or platforms through tools such as encryption, privilege management and access control settings so only authorized personnel can view sensitive information stored on user profiles

Identity Resolutions

Identity Issuance Policies are an important component of Hyperledger Indy’s identity infrastructure. They provide organizations with guidelines to follow when registering and issuing digital identities to users who wish to interact with their platform or services. These policies ensure that only verified individuals who meet certain criteria can be issued a valid digital identity, which helps protect against fraudulent activities and other malicious behavior associated with the misuse of personal information online.

Identity Verification Policies outline the procedures for verifying user profiles in order to determine whether they are legitimate or not. This is done by comparing different versions of personal data from various sources and ensuring that any discrepancies between them are identified and resolved before issuing a valid digital identity for use on the platform or service.

Identity Change Policies enable organizations using Hyperledger Indy technology easily update user records should there be changes made to a person’s profile such as adding new details or revoking access privileges associated with their account. These policies also provide guidance on how best to securely store this updated information while still protecting users’ privacy through cryptographic techniques used within the framework’s infrastructure .

Finally, Identity Termination Policies allow businesses using Hyperledger Indy technology quickly revoke access privileges associated with a particular user’s account should they no longer need it due to reasons such as leaving employment at an organization, terminating membership of certain clubs etc.. By following these policies, companies can ensure that all relevant details related to the individual have been removed from their systems in accordance with applicable laws and regulations set out by governing bodies.

Verifiable Credentials

The Verifiable Credential Protocol (VCP) is a set of standards developed by Hyperledger Indy that enable the secure exchange of credentials between two or more parties. This allows individuals and organizations to prove the validity of certain attributes associated with their digital identity without having to reveal any personal information in the process.

The first component, the Credential Request Protocol, facilitates secure requests for verifiable credentials from an entity holding them such as a government agency or university. This protocol allows users to authenticate themselves while still keeping sensitive data private and secure through cryptographic techniques used within Hyperledger Indy’s infrastructure.

Following this, the Credential Payload Protocol defines how credential payloads should be structured so they can be easily exchanged between different systems linked through VCP’s network. It also provides guidance on what data should be included in these payloads to ensure accuracy when verifying user profiles across multiple platforms and devices connected with one another through Hyperledger Indy’s framework.

The third component is known as the Credential Exchange Protocol which enables users securely share verifiable credentials with other entities involved in an online transaction or interaction without revealing any confidential details like passwords stored off-chain elsewhere. Through this protocol developers can build applications which facilitate improved security when managing digital identities across multiple devices or platforms using tools like encryption and access control settings so only authorized personnel are able to view sensitive information stored on user profiles .

Finally, Signed Credentials provide assurance that issued documents have not been tampered with during transit by utilizing cryptographic signatures generated at source before being sent out over networks connected via VCP’s distributed ledger technology infrastructure . This helps protect against fraud and other malicious activity while also ensuring users maintain full control over how much personal information is shared during these exchanges

Digital Verification

Proof of identity is one of the most important verifications that can be conducted in a digital environment. It involves confirming an individual’s identity by verifying their personal information such as name, date of birth and address. This can be done through a variety of methods including government issued ID cards or Social Security numbers, as well as biometric data like fingerprints or facial recognition scans stored on devices connected with Hyperledger Indy’s distributed ledger technology infrastructure. Through these measures users are able to prove their authenticity online while still protecting sensitive details about themselves from being exposed publicly for anyone else to see.

Proof of location is another useful tool when it comes to verifying user profiles across multiple platforms and devices over the web. By comparing different versions of an individual’s physical address stored on different systems they can ensure that all records related to them are up-to-date and accurate before issuing a valid digital identity for use on the platform or service in question.

Proof of Address provides organizations using Hyperledger Indy’s framework with assurance that any changes made to an individual’s contact details have been properly verified against public records like utility bills or bank statements so only legitimate requests for updates are accepted into their system. This helps protect against fraudsters attempting to gain access by falsely claiming someone else’s residence without having any real proof behind it .

Finally, Proof Of Age allows companies verify individuals fall within specific age brackets set out by governing bodies prior to providing access over certain products or services deemed inappropriate for minors due legal restrictions associated with them . Utilizing tools such as government issued documents like driver licenses helps ensure only those who meet criteria specified by law can make use these offerings regardless if they’re accessing them digitally via mobile device or desktop computer connected with Hyperledger Indy’s network


In conclusion, Hyperledger Indy provides organizations with an efficient and secure way of managing digital identities across multiple platforms and devices. Through its identity infrastructure, companies can easily develop policies to ensure only legitimate users are issued valid digital identities while also verifying user profiles to make sure they are up-to-date and accurate before granting access over certain products or services. Additionally, the framework’s distributed ledger technology helps protect against fraudulent activities by leveraging cryptographic techniques used in data storage and transmission processes so that confidential information remains private even when shared between two or more parties. Finally, Hyperledger Indy enables developers build applications which facilitate improved security when managing digital identities through tools such as encryption and privilege management settings allowing authorized personnel view sensitive details stored on user profiles without having to reveal any personal information publicly for anyone else see. All these features make Hyperledger Indy a great choice for organizations seeking a reliable solution for securely managing their customer’s online interactions in today’s ever-changing digital world.

Curious about decentralized identity? Sign up for a free consultation on Hyperledger Indy now!

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