ES6 Features You May Not Know About

ES6 12 min read | May 18, 2023


ECMAScript 6 (ES6)

Is the latest version of Java Script and it brings many new features, such as arrow functions, template literals, promises, generators, new built-in methods, classes and rest parameters. ES6 was designed to make writing code simpler by reducing the need for complex coding techniques and patterns. It also makes it easier to maintain code over time by breaking down more complex tasks into smaller chunks of reusable code that can be easily updated without affecting other parts of the program. ES6 makes writing modern web applications much faster and more efficient than ever before. With its powerful syntax and wide range of useful features, ES6 is quickly becoming an essential part of any modern developer’s toolkit.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions are a new type of anonymous function introduced in ES

They are written using the ‘=>’ operator and provide a concise way to write code that is more readable, maintainable, and efficient than traditional syntax. Arrow functions can be used to save time when writing code by reducing lines of code and eliminating unnecessary punctuation.

Unlike regular Java Script functions, arrow functions do not have their own this binding or arguments array; instead they use the this binding from whatever context they were defined in, which allows developers to create shorter and more readable function expressions. As well as providing an easier way to write functions, arrow functions also make it simpler to pass information between multiple callbacks without having to store values on global variables or complex object references.

Syntax wise, arrow functions follow a very simple pattern: the parameters go inside parentheses followed by an arrow pointing towards the body of the function (which can either be a single expression or multiple statements). For example: (param1, param

=> { // Function body } Additionally you can omit parentheses if there is only one parameter being passed into the function – for example: param => { // Function body } This makes them useful for creating callback-based logic such as event handlers which take an input but don’t require any additional parameters outside of what’s already been provided elsewhere in your program.

Finally if you need access to specific data from within your arrow function then you can use rest parameters (… param) which will collect all remaining arguments passed into your main parameter list into an array that you can then reference further down in your code block. This helps avoid extra steps like manually looping through each argument individually before getting started with coding functionality based on those inputs – something that was previously required before ES6 came along!

Template Literals

Template literals are a new feature introduced in ES6 that makes writing strings much easier and more intuitive. They provide an alternative to traditional Java Script string manipulation by allowing you to interpolate variables and expressions directly into your code without the need for any additional syntax or extra steps. Template literals also make it simpler to construct HTML elements from within Java Script, which can be useful when creating dynamic user interfaces or displaying data from external sources.

The syntax of template literals is quite simple: they begin with a backtick (`) instead of double quotes (“), followed by any number of characters including line breaks, variable references, expression evaluations and other text formatting features like bolding or italicizing. All content must then be concluded with another backtick (`). For example: `This is my ${variable} template literal`.

Using template literals makes it easy to combine multiple strings together into one larger string without having to use the + operator or escape characters – something which was previously required before ES6 came along! It also allows developers to easily add dynamic values such as variables and expressions into their code blocks through interpolation, meaning that programmers no longer have to manually concatenate these items together before passing them off elsewhere in their program. Finally thanks to its concise syntax format, template literals make debugging issues much easier as all related pieces of code can now be written inside the same block rather than being spread out across different lines and files.


Promises are a new feature introduced in ES6 which provide an alternative to traditional Java Script callbacks. They allow asynchronous functions to be written and executed more easily, making it simpler for developers to write code that can run asynchronously without having to worry about the complexities of handling multiple callbacks. Promises also help reduce errors by allowing developers to handle errors in one place rather than writing separate error-handling code for each callback function.

Promise syntax is quite simple: they start with the keyword ‘new’ followed by the Promise constructor, passing two parameters – resolve and reject. The first parameter (resolve) is used when a successful result has been achieved and will contain any data associated with the success; whereas reject is used when an unsuccessful result has occurred containing any associated error messages or information. Once all relevant logic has been processed, either resolve or reject will be called depending on the outcome of your operation, returning control back up through any chained promises before finally reaching its original caller.

Using promises makes coding much easier as you no longer have to nest multiple callbacks within each other or manually pass around global variables between them – something which was required before ES6 came along! It also allows asynchronous operations such as AJAX requests to be handled much more cleanly since all related pieces of code now reside inside the same function block instead of being spread out across different lines throughout your program’s source files. Finally thanks to their intuitive syntax format, promises make debugging issues easier too since all related items are contained within one single structure rather than scattered across multiple locations throughout your project’s source codebase.


Generators are a powerful new feature introduced in ES6 which make it easier to write asynchronous code by allowing you to pause and resume functions at any point during their execution. They are written using the ‘function*’ syntax and provide an alternative way of writing code that can be paused, resumed, or cancelled without having to manually track individual callbacks or use global variables like traditional Java Script does. Generators also allow developers to work with data streams more easily since values can be pulled from them incrementally as required rather than trying to process large amounts of information all at once – something which was previously difficult before ES6 came along!

Syntax wise, generators follow a very simple pattern: the keyword ‘function*’ is used followed by any parameters enclosed within parentheses; then comes the body of the generator function itself (which consists of one or more yield statements) followed by a closing curly brace. For example: function* my Generator(param1, param

{ // Generator body } As well as providing an easy way for developers to create reusable chunks of logic that can be paused and resumed throughout its lifetime, generators also help simplify complex algorithms such as iterative computations where multiple operations need performing over time on specific elements within an array – something which was much harder before ES6 came along!

Using generators makes coding much faster and simpler than ever before due to their intuitive syntax format and wide range of useful features. It helps reduce errors too since all related pieces of code now reside inside the same block instead being scattered across multiple lines throughout your program’s source files; plus thanks to its ability for pausing/resuming execution mid-way through tasks it allows developers greater control over how their programs run compared with traditional Java Script approaches which require manual tracking between each callback invocation. Finally if you want access specific data from within your generator then you can use rest parameters (… param) which will collect all remaining arguments passed into your main parameter list into an array

New Built-in Methods

The new built-in methods introduced in ES6 provide developers with a way of writing cleaner, more intuitive code by simplifying traditional Java Script tasks such as looping and string manipulation. These methods include spread syntax (… spread), which allows you to easily expand an array into its individual elements; the rest operator (… rest), which collects all remaining arguments passed into a function’s parameter list into an array; destructuring, which makes it simpler to extract values from objects or arrays without having to manually loop through each item individually; and template literals, which allow for easier interpolation of variables and expressions directly into your code.

Using these new built-in methods can help speed up development time significantly since they make complex operations much simpler than ever before – something that was often difficult or even impossible before ES6 came along! This not only reduces the amount of coding required but also helps reduce errors too since all related pieces of logic are now contained within one single structure instead being scattered across multiple lines throughout your program’s source files. Furthermore thanks to their concise syntax format debugging issues is now easier too as all related items are written inside the same block rather than being spread out across different locations throughout your project’s source codebase.

Finally, if you want access specific data from within a function then you can use the rest parameters (…param) which will collect any remaining arguments passed into your main parameter list – allowing developers greater control over how their programs run compared with traditional Java Script approaches where manual tracking between each callback invocation was previously required before ES6 came along!


Classes are a new feature introduced in ES6 which provide an object-oriented programming (OOP) structure to Java Script. This allows developers to create reusable chunks of logic, similar to Java or C++ classes, as well as providing an easy way for them to design different types of objects and their associated properties with minimal effort. Classes also help reduce errors by allowing developers to organize their code into smaller self-contained components rather than scattering all related pieces across multiple lines throughout their program’s source files – something that was often difficult before ES6 came along!

Syntax wise, classes follow the same pattern as other OOP languages like Java or C++: they start with the keyword class followed by a name and then any constructor parameters enclosed within parentheses; after that comes the body of the class itself (which consists of one or more methods) followed by a closing curly brace. For example: class My Class { // Class body } As well as providing an intuitive way for developers to define objects with specific data attributes, classes allow you write much cleaner code too since all related items now reside inside one single structure instead being scattered across multiple locations throughout your project’s source codebase.

Using classes makes coding easier due to its intuitive syntax format and wide range of useful features. It helps reduce errors also since it provides an organized approach where every part is contained within one block rather than having everything spread out across different lines throughout your program’s source files; plus thanks to its ability for creating reusable chunks of logic it allows developers greater control over how their programs run compared with traditional Java Script approaches which require manual tracking between each callback invocation. Finally if you want access specific data from within your class then you can use getter/setter functions which will return values from particular properties without having manually loop through each item individually – something which was previously very hard before ES6 came along!

Rest Parameters

Rest parameters are a new feature introduced in ES6 which allow developers to easily access specific data from within their functions without having to manually loop through each item individually. This is done by using the rest operator (… rest), which collects any remaining arguments passed into a function’s parameter list into an array – allowing greater control over how your program runs compared with traditional Java Script approaches where manual tracking between each callback invocation was previously required before ES6 came along!

The syntax for rest parameters is very simple and intuitive: it follows the same pattern as other features like spread syntax or destructuring, namely the keyword ‘function’ followed by any parameters enclosed within parentheses; then comes the body of the function itself (which consists of one or more yield statements) followed by a closing curly brace. For example: function my Func(param1, … rest) { // Function body } After that you can use this array inside your main logic code however you wish – something that was much harder before ES6 came along!

Using rest parameters makes coding faster and simpler than ever before due to its concise syntax format and wide range of useful features. It helps reduce errors too since all related pieces of logic now reside inside one single structure instead being scattered across multiple lines throughout your project’s source files; plus thanks to its ability for accessing specific data from within functions it allows developers greater control over how their programs run compared with traditional Java Script approaches which require manual tracking between each callback invocation. Finally if you want access values from objects or arrays then you can also use destructuring techniques alongside rest parameters in order to make this process even easier!


In conclusion, ES6 has revolutionized how developers code in Java Script by introducing new built-in methods and features such as spread syntax, rest parameters, destructuring and template literals. These features have allowed developers to write cleaner code that is more intuitive and easier to debug while also providing them with greater control over how their programs run compared with traditional Java Script approaches which require manual tracking between each callback invocation. Furthermore thanks to their concise syntax format coding times are now significantly faster too since all related items can be contained within one single structure instead being scattered across multiple lines throughout your project’s source files.

To get the most out of these new ES6 features it’s important for developers to understand when best apply them – for example spread syntax is useful when expanding an array into its individual elements; the rest operator can help collect any remaining arguments passed into a function’s parameter list; destructuring makes extracting values from objects or arrays simpler; and template literals provide an easy way for interpolating variables directly into your code. Finally if you want access specific data from within functions then rest parameters (…param) will allow you do this without having manually loop through each item individually – something which was previously very hard before ES6 came along!

Discover the hidden treasures of ES6! Unearth powerful features that can simplify complex tasks and boost your code performance by booking a free consultation today!

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