ES6 Classes: A New Way to Define Objects

ES6 8 min read | May 10, 2023


ES6 classes are a new way of defining objects introduced in the ECMAScript 6 (ES

Version of Java Script. This new syntax allows developers to create class-based structures that support inheritance, encapsulation and other object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts. Classes provide an easier and more intuitive way for developers to define objects compared to traditional prototypal inheritance. With ES6 classes, developers can create reusable code that is easier to maintain with fewer lines of code than before. They also offer better readability which makes them ideal for larger projects where multiple team members need to work together on the same project.

Syntax of ES6 Classes

Creating a Class: To create an ES6 class, developers use the “class” keyword followed by the name of the class. Inside the body of this class definition, methods and properties can be declared to define the behavior and characteristics of objects that are instantiated from it. Classes also allow for constructors which will be used when initializing new instances. Constructors are special functions that allow developers to pass values directly into newly created objects when they are initialized.

Extending a Class: In addition to creating classes from scratch, ES6 provides developers with the ability to extend existing classes in order to inherit all their properties and methods. This allows for greater code reuse as well as easier maintenance since changes only need to be made in one place rather than multiple places throughout an application. Extending a class is done using the “extends” keyword followed by specifying which parent class should be extended from inside parentheses immediately following it.

Using Inherited Properties: When extending a class, any inherited properties will automatically become part of each object instantiated from it without having to redefine them in each instance’s constructor function or anywhere else within its definition. This means that any property defined on a parent class can easily be accessed or changed through child classes without needing extra setup steps like you would have had before with prototypal inheritance models such as those used prior to ES6 classes being introduced into Java Script language..

Class Instances & Properties

Class Instances & Properties: When creating an instance of a class, developers can use the “new” keyword followed by the name of the class. After doing so, they will have access to any methods and properties that are defined within it. Additionally, any inherited methods or properties from parent classes will be available as well. This means that all objects created from this same class will have access to these shared values even though each individual object may have different property values due to constructors being used during initialization.

Class Methods & Properties: In addition to having multiple instances which can share common behavior through inherited methods and properties, ES6 classes also allow developers to define their own custom methods and properties specific to a given class definition. Doing so allows for greater organization since code related to similar functionality can be grouped together in one place instead of scattered throughout an application or split into multiple files like it would need to be with prototypal inheritance models. These custom methods and properties provide additional flexibility when developing applications making them invaluable tools in certain situations where complex logic needs to be implemented quickly without sacrificing readability or maintainability down the line when changes need made later on.

Prototypal Inheritance in ES6 Classes

In order to set up the prototype chain in an ES6 class, developers must first create a parent class which will contain any common methods and properties that will be inherited by its child classes. This is done through the “extends” keyword followed by specifying which parent should be used for inheritance. After this is done, instances of each subclass can be created using the “new” keyword and passing in any values needed during initialization.

Managing inheritance in an ES6 class is made easy thanks to its intuitive syntax and structure. Since all objects instantiated from a particular subclass automatically inherit any methods or properties defined on their parent classes, developers do not need to manually redefine them within each object’s constructor function like they would have had to with previous prototypal models prior to ES6 being introduced into Java Script language. This ability makes it much easier for larger projects where multiple team members need to work together since shared behavior can easily be managed without requiring extra setup steps or code duplication across different files throughout an application.

The super keyword is another helpful tool provided by ES6 classes that allows developers access to their parents’ constructors as well as other methods and properties defined on them directly within subclasses themselves. This provides additional flexibility when creating complex applications since certain functionality may only need slight modifications instead of completely rewriting it from scratch inside individual subclasses or elsewhere throughout an application if prototypal inheritance models were still being used instead of ES6 classes.

Class Constructors & Members

Class Constructors: Class constructors are functions that allow developers to create new instances of a given class. This is done by passing in any values needed during initialization as parameters into the constructor function itself. This allows for greater flexibility when creating objects since it eliminates the need for manually setting up each individual object’s properties which would have been necessary prior to ES6 classes being introduced into Java Script language with prototypal inheritance models. Additionally, constructors offer many other useful features such as providing access to parent classes through use of the “super” keyword and allowing multiple instances from different subclasses to share common behavior due to their shared inheritance structure.

Managing Class Members with Static Functions: In addition to using class constructors for initializing objects, developers can also define static functions within their classes which are used specifically for managing its members rather than instantiating them like traditional methods do. These static functions provide an easy way of sharing logic between multiple instances without having to redefine it inside each individual instance or elsewhere throughout an application like you would have had before with prototypal inheritance models. For example, one could define a static function on a parent class called “get All Instances” which could be used by all subclasses in order get back lists of all existing objects created from them regardless of how many there may be or where they were defined originally within an application’s codebase making this type of functionality highly reusable and efficient especially on larger projects where maintaining organization and readability is essential.

Using ES6 Classes

Using ES6 Classes: ES6 classes provide developers with a powerful construct for organizing their codebase as well as sharing logic between multiple instances. This is done through the use of class properties and methods which can be inherited by any child classes that extend from it making it much easier to create complex applications without having to manually redefine shared behavior in each individual instance or elsewhere throughout an application like you would have had before with prototypal inheritance models. Additionally, these classes allow for private variables to be declared which helps keep track of important state information while still providing access to them via getter/setter functions if needed making this type of data management highly secure and reliable.

Constructors: Constructors are special functions provided by ES6 classes that allow developers to pass in values directly into newly created objects when they are initialized. This eliminates the need for manual setup steps such as defining each object’s properties prior to being able do anything else with them like was required before with prototypal inheritance models unlike those used up until then on Java Script language. Constructors also offer access to parent classes through use of the “super” keyword allowing developers greater flexibility when creating more complex applications since certain functionality may only need slight modifications instead of completely rewriting it from scratch inside individual subclasses or elsewhere throughout an application.

Static Functions: In addition to using class constructors for initializing objects, static functions can also be defined within a given class definition which will be used specifically for managing its members rather than instantiating them like traditional methods do. These static functions provide an easy way of sharing logic between multiple instances without having to redefine it inside each one individually or elsewhere throughout an application like you would have had before with prototypal inheritance models significantly increasing efficiency and readability especially on larger projects where organization is essential.


Conclusion: ES6 classes provide a powerful construct for organizing codebases as well as sharing logic between multiple instances. This is done through the use of class properties and methods which can be inherited by any child classes that extend from it making it much easier to create complex applications without having to manually redefine shared behavior in each individual instance or elsewhere throughout an application like you would have had before with prototypal inheritance models. Additionally, these classes allow for private variables to be declared which helps keep track of important state information while still providing access to them via getter/setter functions if needed making this type of data management highly secure and reliable.

Getting Started with ES6 Classes: In order to begin using ES6 classes, developers must first decide on what functionality they need their objects to have and create a parent class containing any common methods or properties that are intended for inheritance by its child subclasses. After this is done, instances of each subclass can then be created using the “new” keyword followed by passing in any values needed during initialization into the constructor function itself. Additionally, static functions can also be defined within a given class definition which will be used specifically for managing its members rather than instantiating them like traditional methods do allowing developers greater flexibility when creating more complex applications since certain functionality may only need slight modifications instead of completely rewriting it from scratch inside individual subclasses or elsewhere throughout an application.

ES6 Classes: A Revolutionary Approach to Object Definition

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